Need advice about breast feeding decision...

I bottle fed our first child and have been so looking forward to breastfeeding our little one on the way.  Then today, I spent the whole day with my friend, who breastfeeds and has a 5 week old baby.  Every time I see her it seems like she's feeding irregularly and my friend hardly gets a consistent hour of sleep (day or night) w/o the baby waking to feed or needing to be held.  My friend is pumping 4 oz at a time so we   Know she's producing. After today I'm questioning breastfeeding.  With my bottle fed son, we had a regular 3 hour schedule: eat change sleep.  Especially at this age. My hubby or someone else could feed him too.  I'm  really not sure what to do, but I don't know if I would enjoy what she's going through.  Advice? Experiences? Please!