So tired πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“

Michaela β€’ Breast feeding mommy to a beautiful little girl ! Kinslee Marie ❀️
My baby is 5 months old and does nothing but toss her head back and forth and tries to roll over all night and wakes up every hour to two hours crying and nothing soothes her unless I give her a bottle in which she takes a sip or two of and goes right back to sleep. She is on a pacifier but hasn't been taking it at night. She just wants the damn bottle which is a pain because I have to get her out of the pack and play each time to give her this thing and then she falls right back to sleep but sure enough an hour or two later she wakes right back up. I try waking her up by changing her diaper and having her drink a full 4-6 oz bottle but she always falls back to sleep. She always tries soo hard to roll on to her belly but ended up looking all uncomfortable with her back all twisted and so while I pump I just put her on her belly but switch her back when I am done because idk when it's really "safe" to let her sleep on her belly. I know you usually wait until they can roll over but she just can't do that yet. She lifts her head up and puts support on her arms and she is almost sitting up completely unsupported but will not roll over. I have a very strict night time routine that happened the same times every night, I lotion her before bed with lavender lotion, I give her baths. Its not even like she's waking up to eat cause she's hungry it's just to be soothed. Which is fine but every hour to two hours? I even tried co sleeping with her in bed with me (I have a king size bed and she still sleeps flat with no pillows or blankets, and she still wakes up the same amount. I'm just soo tired and just didn't think at 5 months old she should be sleeping so terribly.Β