Rainbow baby!

💕க்ர்ய்ஸடேன்-Krysten💕 • I`m 32, an Atheist Pansexual, pro choice, ally. I have a son who is 9, a beautiful rainbow baby girl who is 4, and 19 month old son. I've had 9 miscarriages, and I'm currently TTC again 🙃

I'm about 99% sure I'm pregnant with my rainbow baby. I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks 3 days on November 17th, and a D&C the following day on the 18th. This was my first miscarriage, but my O.B still wanted to send the tissue off for testing. There were no chromosomal issues found and my baby was a little boy.

I had my follow up one week after my D&C. She told me I was completely healed, she got it all, and I could start trying that night if I wanted to. So, that's what me and my husband did.

12 days after my D&C, I got my first negative on a pregnancy test. I took one 3 days after that, another negative. I then took one a couple days after, ya know, just to make sure it was negative haha.

Well, today my boobs have been so sore, just like they felt the last time. I've also been extremely bitchy, so I thought, what the hell? Take another test Krysten, it'll just come up negative. I was definitely wrong. I took a first response digital and it said Yes. I was like okay, this is just a faulty test. I took a FRER and I had a very very faint positive. I just took another one with FMU and my line is soooo much darker!!! Calling and making an appointment this morning. Please send me good luck, pray for me, cross everything that this is my rainbow, and everything goes good this time.

First test is from last night. Second test is from this morning!!!