Really hating life right now..

I'm torn Inbetween, staying with my boyfriend or just finally giving up on him. When we first started to date, he was everything. He held my hand, kissed me, took me out. The thing was he has this physco ex, that he doesn't want to realize is trying to break us up, at first he'd be like alright I'll block her and I'll delete what she tags me in, just cause I didn't like it. But now he's blocking me and keeping her because he's doesn't want "any problems" I've tried to explain time and time again that that's not how it works and she should be the one being blocked cause she's crossing the boundaries but he has blocked me a total of at least 7 times cause he doesn't want me to see what she post on his wall. It hurts me cause this is the first guy whose been with me and hasn't used me for just sex. Or so I keep making myself believe. I don't trust him, and he always claims he's to busy to text or call me so I literally only hear from him maybe 2x a day if I'm lucky. I try my hardest to be everything for this guy and he doesn't even say thank you or tells me goodmorning/ used to be so different but now it's like I'm only there when he's bored and just needs someone to pass time. He swears he isn't playing me, he told me that he isn't putting 100% cause he's not even sure if he wants this. Everytime I talk about us he completely ignores it. I really don't know why to do..