Would you be offended?

My daughter (4), has a next door neighbor friend. There was an incident between them several months ago, the neighbor girl pushed my girl off a slide. (I still haven't determined if it was the big outdoor slide or one of the smaller Little Tikes ones). The girls haven't played in a few weeks, but they did yesterday. My daughter came home and told me the neighbor made her fall off the monkey bars by pulling her hands off, and when she got back up, the neighbor bit her. 
I messaged this to the mom today:
Hello, I feel really awkward about this, and I'm not sure what may have happened between the girls yesterday, but "A" came home with quite a significant bite from "E".
(I did not send the mother the picture)
I didn't see the bite until bedtime, because I didn't imagine it would this bad. I should also add, my daughter was bitten through a long sleeve shirt.