Throwing away expired food..


My question is a bit more complex than just that.. if food is old or moldy of course I assume you would throw it away, I'm more asking do you throw away items that appear to be fine but have expired by the expiration dates?

A few examples, I had a cream cheese container in the back of my fridge still sealed but expired 2 weeks ago, I threw it away. If sour cream/yogurt is even close to the due date, or if I know it's been in the fridge longer than a week I throw it away. If I know a bag of chips have been sitting open for more than 2 weeks, I throw them away.

I don't throw away milk if it's still a few days within the expiration date, same with shredded cheese. If I freeze meat I will also keep it for a long time as long as it doesn't change colors.

My mother in law refuses to throw anything away! She would be the lady to take out the moldy bun and keep the rest in the bag..

So what are your habits?!

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