Unsure! Advice?

Trisha • :)

Hi guys!

So,my period is 4-5 days late. My husband and I aren't trying to conceive. We had sex last month like right after my period ended and glow said there was a 3% chance of pregnancy that day. I only checked because we weren't exactly super careful. I don't work right now so I'm not at risk for latching on to another woman's cycle, I'm the only woman in the house.

I'm 4-5 days late, I had extreme nausea for just one day, but now one of my cats will not leave me alone. She's always on me, around me, etc. I have no cramping, no sign of a period starting soon.

Should I take a test or just wait it out?

Thanks :)

Oh also, no matter how much or how little I drink (alcohol) I am like out for the entire day. Really unusual