BFN is. Not a Curse.

Tee • Love the glow app and community. 🎉🎇💞💕babydust!🎭

So AF Arrived on Glow schedule.

I had light spotting the entire week.

Im going through a breakup/seperation so ...Im very emotional I kept getting BFNs. At first i was mad..then i got thankful for regular cycles and being able to have a period.

I am never gonna give up getting pregnant/having a baby.

Again my SO turned 50 I turned 33. Im ready.

MY SO..will have to give me a sperm count if we reconcile. Ive done all I can think of on my end...and even though he has kids..maybe hes had a vasectomy and not told

that will be one of my demands.

Wishing all of you baby dust

ill miss our many days of BDing.

if we dont/do reconcile ill work on my health..losing weight...eating better..exercing more. either way

Ill still be around ....stay positive ladies.