Just need to rant.

I have a 5 year old with an Ex, she goes to see him from time to time, usually every other weekend and we split the holiday seasons. I get along with his wife fine, we're pretty close and she's a great stepmom to my daughter. My problem isn't with either of them, its with his family. I'm about to lose it with them. I'm having a scheduled csection a week after Christmas, & the new baby will be 5 weeks early due to health reasons, so obviously keeping my 5 year old healthy is top priority. I've asked him to have his family let him know if any of the kids she'll be around are sick, so we can have her wash her hands and try to limit playtime with the sick child, not hard right? His family are being absolute assholes about it. They had one get together today, two of the kids were sick, one JUST got over a stomach virus yesterday, the other has a nasty cold, and the parents didn't bother to let him know until AFTER the party ended.

Uh. What now??! I've worked really hard to keep my 5 year old healthy & now I feel that's going to be down the drain. I understand you can't keep them from getting sick, but they could've at least given him a heads up! Now I'm worried she'll be sick when Baby sister is born and won't be able to come around her, which is going to be almost impossible since she'll be with us. :( I just want to cry.