My story (long)

Hello mommies!! My name is Robyn and I've been using this app since I was 15 weeks. Currently, I am almost 20. I just wanted to share with you all my story. I see a lot of women on here just sharing a bit about themselves and so I suppose it's my turn lol. Well, I'm 25 years old and I have one daughter already. Her name is Mya Snow. She will be almost 5 when her baby sister arrives. I found out I was pregnant again in October after a month of just feeling like pure crap. And let me tell you, I am so glad I went to the hospital when I did because I was one day away from misscarrying and I didn't even know. I had a sub chorionic hemorrhage and luckily they caught it when they did. The day I found out I told my (now ex) boyfriend and he immediately raged on me.  He told me that he wasn't going to have another kid and if I kept it, we were over. Of course, the outcome was bad. I am now here, 2 girls, both without fathers. One by bad decisions he made, the other by just being absent. I found that it's okay to be mom and dad and that I am strong enough, financially stable enough but more importantly, willing enough to care for and love my daughters. I am anxiously awaiting Miss Emma Rain. (: I hope you all have safe deliveries and that your Christmas is wonderful and bright. 💕💕