*LONG RANT* Too Much Advice😩😩😑

Audrey • Baby boy arrived Nov. 12! At 38 weeks exactly!💙

How many FTM's out there are annoyed/frustrated with everyone giving their two cents and telling you what to do and how to do it? My adorable little fatso is 5 weeks old and I love him to death. By now, I know when he's hungry, overwhelmed, tired, etc...because I AM his mother. I'm soooo frustrated with anybody that tries to tell me what to do and tries to tell me what they think my son wants/needs. I understand that I'm 19 years old but I'M NOT STUPID. I WASNT BORN YESTERDAY. It's so annoying!! I know my son. I'm pretty sure I was the one who carried him for 38 weeks and pushed him out all on my own!! It's getting to the point where I don't want to go near anyone because I just don't want to hear it. My son is perfectly happy and as long as he's fed, burped, has a clean diaper, clean, and clothed that's all I care about. I don't wanna hear it from these ppl that he needs this or that. 1) my son is 11 pounds that means DUH he's eating well (EBF) 2) he can roll over, 3) hold his head up and control it, 4) he can even stand on my lap! Even when he's doing amazing people still tell me I'm doing something wrong, or that I need to be doing something else for him! Unbelievable! I'm so irritated and at my last straw. The next person who tries to tell me to do something, I will flip out. If I WANTED OR NEEDED advice, I'd ASK for it. Besides, most of motherhood is trial and error. Every baby is different! I feel like yelling, "my son is not your child! I don't care if your kid was like this or that. Leave mine alone!" most of these people don't even have my child's best interest in mind! They just want to be right. Their advice contradicts each other and they'll literally argue about who's advice is correct right in front of me!!!

So over it already. Just let me raise my son in peace.

End Rant.

*sigh. Any young/first time mom's can relate? Lol, I apologize for the long rant. It feels good to let it out.