5 days in a row positive OPKs...?

Tiffany • 35 years old w/PCOS. Conceived a girl (born Jan. ‘17) on Clomid. Second girl born Oct. ‘20 on Fermara. Now pregnant naturally with baby #3
I have taken 50mg Clomid CD 5-9.  I am now CD 22 (3-4 DPO).  I have had 5 days in a row of positive ovulation strips.  Last night I started to feel that I had sore nipples - and this morning they are even more sore.  
I don't want to get my hopes up, but I have been reading online that others have had many positive ovulation tests and ended up being pregnant.  I don't want to take a HPT, since I feel it is too early - I am only 3 or 4 DPO.  
Has anyone had this happen and ended up being pregnant or know someone who has?