Wrong due date maybe?

Melissa • Hello 🤗 , I Am Melissa I Am A New Mom-To-Be 🍼☺️, I Am 18 years Old 👑 , Yes I Am A Young Mother to be to a Princess 👑
If my last menstrual cycle was on April 4,2015 isnt my due date supposed to be January 9,2016? I went to my midwife the first months and at first she told me january 9 th, endedup going to the hospital in august and they told me i was due january 9th and when i go back to the midwife she gives me a whole new due date which is JANUARY 19,2016! And i went for my anatomy and they told me i was measuring for January 9th and i keep telling my midwife , and she dont want to listen i was "34 weeks" and dilating at 2 cm , to them i was 34 weeks to me,  i was 36 weeks ! Kind of upsets me ... Bc i want to be induced at my 39th week