My so doesn't like that I have guy friends PLEASE HELP!!!

My boyfriend and I decided to make our relationship exclusive about a month ago. I told him I don't have girlfriends, only two male best friends. So, I went bowling yesterday evening with one of my guy friends because his flight was canceled due to snow and was unable to spend Christmas with his family. I didn't think about letting my bf know, so in the middle of bowling my bf texts me and asks what I'm up to. So, I told him I was bowling with my friend and he said that me going out with a guy one-on-one without a third person is disrespectful and makes it look like a date. He said I should've told him and in addition should've asked if it was okay with him if I hungout with my friend in which case he would've said no. He said I need to get me some girlfriends, and that he doesn't care if I have guy friends that I talk to as long as I don't go out with them because he said my guy friends might try to flirt or want something deeper with me or want to have sex with me.  And I told him he should trust me, that I have the right to go out with any friend regardless of their gender or sex, and that I'm big enough of a girl to handle myself and stop anyone who tries flirting with me because I know I have a boyfriend whom I care about, and I shouldn't need to ask for his permission to go out with my friends. He won't budge and I don't know what to do or say at this point. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! P.S. He says he was raised very traditional and that it's common sense to the majority of the population that a girl whom has a boyfriend should not go out with guy friends because it's disrespectful to her boyfriend and vice versa.