Not really sure where to post this.. Advice please.

 I'm not okay with the fact that my husband still has his ex (of like 4 years) number in his phone. He still follows her on snapchat. He still follows her on Instagram. He even still has her mom and gmas numbers too. & this can sound petty or weird but it even bothers me that every time we go to Kroger he types in his exs grandmas phone number to use her Kroger plus card. I've tried talking to him about it but I'm afraid to go farther because I swear he still loves her. She left him. But still. I'm 9 weeks 6 days pregnant with his baby. We're married. Our baby was unplanned as well. I'm 18 he's 20. He leaves January 26th for basic training for the Air Force. I honestly swear that if he could choose between her and me.. He'd pick her. But this isn't something I feel I can talk to him about. I hate confrontation. Yet I also feel like he wouldn't tell me the truth that if she did try and come back to him that he would leave me. Because I just don't see the need for you to keep her in your life like that if you had no intentions that maybe someday she'd come back, and I just feel like I've made the biggest mistake by marrying him. Before we were married he dumped me so I wouldn't be "sitting around crying" the whole time he was gone at bootcamp. But I honestly swear he was happier without me. I've told him that but he says he wasn't. The reason I'm bringing this to the table now and facing it is because now it's affecting my dreams. I feel like every night in my dreams.. He dumps me for someone else. & it's every single night in my dreams. I don't know what to do. It makes me feel not normal.