Baby Eli (Birth Story)

Our sweet baby boy finally arrived! It was our 3rd night of reporting to L&D for intense contractions. Every time we went I had made no progress, no dilation, nothing! 
On the 3rd day of pain I called the after hours line for the doctor and was told to report to L&D again to be checked. I wasn't feeling hopeful but I was in so much pain I didn't care. 
FINALLY! I was 4cm at that point, gosh I was relieved for progress, still suffering from contraction pain. After waiting in oversee cation I was finally rolled to a L&D room and hooked up, connected, the usual whole procedure. 
I opted to get some IV meds first to"take the edge off" the contractions while waiting for the epidural, it definitely helped me sleep in between the pain. After epidural was administered I was in HEAVEN. I felt no pain at all and it was great! Shortly afterward my water broke, as a FTM and not knowing what to expect, the gush was definitely startling!! I had reached 7-8cm at that point. 
Baby somehow didn't like that transition and his heart rate begin to drop. Without a moments hesitation my ob came in and said baby is not tolerating labor, we need to get him out, we agreed! 
Got prepped for c-section, I had the shakes pretty bad from the medicines so being on that table with my arms stretched to the side shaking was extremely weird. Nevertheless, he was born at 6:11pm, and was monitored for a short while afterward due to having pooped while inside. 
Fast forward, Eli is the love of our life! I am so glad to be able to raise this sweet boy!