MIL keeps telling me breastfeeding horror stories

So my in-laws had their Christmas party yesterday. I am about 35 weeks, meaning that baby is definitely center of attention. My hubby's grandparents were both there and asked me if I plan to breastfeed, and I said yes. My MIL told me about her struggles breastfeeding and it freaked me out and can't sleep right. She told me that my husband refused to be breastfed when he was a newborn from the very beginning. She is exaggerating right? I heard about baby's doing a nursing strike but never a newborn. I don't want to undermine her or anyone's struggle I am just an anxious first time mom to be! She told me he would refuse to take the breast and look away when she offered to feed him... and she tried for about two weeks and gave up. I bet she used formula throughout those two weeks and it made her milk supply low, I also suspect that she was nervous and stressed him out, but I didn't really ask. I just never heard of a newborn refusing to eat. Is this common? It scared me because I am so eager to breastfeed. It also made me sad because I could sense that my husband was bothered by that comment. Everything I read about breastfeeding says that almost everyone can do it with the right information and lots of practice and flexibility. But who knows. I know some people can't and that's normal too.. But I also hear that there are resources and tricks to help you as you try to breastfeed, and that the hard work for most people! My husband was born naturally and had/has no physical problems, so her story freaked me out.  her story just discouraged me.