Bleeding at 9 weeks

Has anybody had bleeding during their pregnancy and still had a healthy baby? I was 2 days before 9 weeks and went to the hospital because I started bleeding out of no where but no cramping at all. It was a lot of blood but the hospital said they don't know why and after doing an ultrasound said everything was fine but gave me the shot for negative blood. The next day the bleeding turned to just spotting and eventually stopped. I had my real ultrasound 2 days later at exactly 9 weeks and the baby was fine heartbeat was 169. The next day I had spotting again that is on and off usually just in the morning. I had an appointment today for IP results just to make sure I didn't have any diseases and she did a blood test and said everything is good. I still have the spotting tho I'm 9 weeks and 4 days. It's weird because the bleeding started on the 22nd of December and my last period was the 22nd of October so this is the time my period is suppose to come anyway. I haven't had any cramping at all tho.
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The could be a small hemorrhage in your uterus causing you to bleed but you should still be checked out by your OB to be sure.