Does former drug use affect fertility?

Amanda • Happily married to the love of my life (:
I've never experimented with hard drugs. A little weed here and there but nothing else. My husband on the other hand has done everything except shooting up. He has a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship who was conceived during a drug binge. She was born completely healthy and absolutely beautiful. His latest addiction had been meth, he's been clean for 3 months now because of me. We have been having unprotected sex (with full knowledge that it could lead to a baby) for 5 months but this is our first month that we had legitimately tried by downloading this app. My question is could his former drug use affect our chances at conceiving even if he's been clean? Can infertility or low sperm count be a long term effect of his past? He had been using on and off for almost 5 years.