So happy right now

Katie • 26 years old | Mommy of 5 year old b/g twins | Skye Ra Monrreal will be making his debut April 18th, 2016
Sometimes it's the little things that really make me happy. I'm 24 weeks today with my son and was not feeling good. Ended up hugging the toilet for quiet some time and then it was back to eating light, although I made some asparagus which was so good, it gave me a ton of gas on top of what feels like braxton hicks, although it almost feels as if my actual stomach is having contactions. Been drinking water and laying down for about an hour or so which seems to be soothing. My boyfriend was going out to run an errond and I asked if he'd get me a smoothie or something. He was actually kind of rude about it so I told him nevermind. I fell asleep and woke u0 when he got home and he got me an extra large pinapple mango orange julies! So happy! Was craving something cold even though it's 35 degrees here. The flavors and ice are just hitting the spot. I had to share, because well... its the little things that just make me melt inside. 😍