Let it go or say something next time?

My husband and I have two friends that are a couple. We got married in April 2015, they got engaged a couple months after we got married. They are getting married in May 2016. 
We love this couple. We hang out with them almost 2 times every week. 
Well something has been bothering me for quite sometime now but I've been letting it go but now it's just exploding. 
The couple has grown up with money. They have never had to really struggle. My husband and I on the other hand have always struggled but we also know how to budget so that we still have what we need. 
The girl has like some kind of attitude towards us about money. When something gets brought up into conversation, she always says something like "Can you afford to do that?" Or "Wouldn't you be broke?" 
She's done that since the start of our friendship. But the thing is...she doesn't know how much we make or how much we have in bills...she's just assuming that because we are entertainers, and they are teachers that they have more money. 
The situation that really pushed me over the edge was the other night at Christmas, my husband and I were talking about our infertility and how bad we were just ready to have a baby and she said they were planning on having a baby as soon as they get married and her exact words were "It shouldn't be hard for us." 
And then, oh and then she said "Do you really think you guys can afford a baby right now?"
Do you guys think I should just let it go or say someyhing?