Sending positive vibes your way.

Hey ttc(ing) mommies. Just stepping in to say hello and to encourage you all to keep trying. For those who got their bfp(s) Congratulations mommies and happy healthy pregnancies. For the ones that are still trying please pray,stay strong and be patient. I'm sprinkling baby dust on you all. I'm not trying to leave the ones who are ttc(ing) after a miscarriage. I know what it's like to lose a baby. Its heart breaking,but you can do it(move forward and try again). Today marks a year that I found out I was pregnant with my LO to later miscarry in March. I will admit I was angry,sad,confused but I later realized that my child is where God needed(her or him) to be. Whats really kept me together was(and still is) God, my family and this site. You guys have been very encouraging and helpful. Please don't give up on trying again. Take your time. I've been ttc(ing) for seven months. And yes it's been hard. But one thing I'm not gonna do is give up. I trust that God is gonna bless us all. We just have to be patient and have faith. Love you ladies.