If your worried about miscarriage

Samantha • Mom of two beautiful boys! Trying for our third and final baby <3
I wanted to share my experience of my two miscarriages that occurred later this year. Incase anyone is uncertain or just wants to be educated. Although not everyone's are the same this is what both mine were like. I found out I was pregnant everything was going smoothly, I had all the normal symptoms tender breast morning sickness mild headache off and on. And hungry! Both miscarriages I woke up to feeling no longer pregnant and what I mean by that is no morning sickness anymore, my breast we barely even tender anymore. All symptoms stopped. I knew something was not right, I knew I didn't feel pregnant anymore. You will have a feeling. Although it took a week for me to naturally miscarry with both. My doctor did hcg tests on me though out the week and they were dropping fast. It took a week for me to eventually start bleeding and it started very light and got heavier. I just wants to let those
Moms know what to look for that are concerned. But again everyone's different. If you no longer feel pregnant call your ob right away