Feeeed meeee

Rachel • Boy mom to Ellis Owen 06/2016 & Isaac Erso 02/2020
Well I feel very fortunate that my all-day sickness has finally subsided and my appetite has returned in weeks 15-16. Except now my body seems to be making up for all the lost meals, because I'm constantly hungry and craving all the things! Seriously, I had a bowl of high-fiber cereal this morning and was hungry 20 minutes later. So I drank a bunch of water, had some pistachios and apple juice, still hungry. Also, any mention of a certain food sends me on an obsessive craving for it. I'm trying to be strong, not go overboard on the "treats", and keep the heartburn at bay. 😩
I need some inspiration: What are some of your favorite healthy and filling snacks/easy meals?