She's here!

Sweet baby Lily arrived 12.27.15 @ 3:06pm, just a few days shy of her EDD of 12.30.15!
I started having contractions during the major weather changes here in TX (tornados and temp drop) and by bedtime they became regular. By 2am they were 3 mins apart so we called the doula, got MIL to watch kids, and got in the pouring and freezing rain to head to the hospital (an hour away) for my VBA2C. I was checked in at 5 am and already 6cm, 100% effaced, and -1 station 😀. By 9am I was 10cm, but baby had turned her head a bit and was now -3 station. My water had been bulging and ruptured, which somehow made baby move back up and  unengage herself. After many attempts to bring her back down and 6 hours more of constant contractions, my back labor and hips couldn't handle the pain any longer. Lily came via RCS. I'm honestly so proud of myself for what I did accomplish that I don't even care about how she was born. I gave the best try ever and worked my butt off. She's here and absolutely beautiful! Her dad, brothers, and I are over the moon!