Broken up with my boyfriend

Okay so I've broken up with the boy that took my virginity. I don't know what to do. He is the first boy I've done anything with and I am completely in love with him. He says it's because we've been arguing and he wants me to be happier because I'm quite angry a lot of the time I've told him it'll be best to take a break so I can focus on myself and being happier and so that we can be togerhwe wnd he just keeps saying he wants me to be happier. I'm not sure what to do I can't stop crying I dot wanna lose him. He says he still wants to be close friends and that he still loves me but I don't know how you can be just friends with someone you're in love with, or with someone you've been intimate with.? I just need advice on either hoa to get over him or how to get him back based on the reasons he's given for ending it in a mess and I don't know what to do.