Starting to feel a bit sad...

My body is doing all kinds of abnormal things this month, and I'm the most regular person I know. My boobs hurt two days before AF and I get mild cramps 2 days into AF. Other than that I'm lucky that I don't have any other symptoms. But this month I've had sore nipples, almost raw feeling, since 9dpo (currently 13dpo and AF due in 2 days), I've had a sharp pain in my lower abdomen/hip area for two days, I've been exhausted for the last week, and nauseated at night. Yet I tested as recently as today and still BFN. I'm starting to wonder if my body is playing a cruel trick on me. At least that's how it feels. Sorry for the novel, just feeling a bit discouraged today. Doesn't help that I've seen 3 different pregnancy announcements since yesterday. Harrumph 😔