Words of advice

This has been the most stressful week yet. I'm 33+5 and had an NST on Tuesday.  They couldn't get a good read on his heartbeat because he kept moving around, so then they did a BPP and I scored a 6 and he measured at 6.6 lbs.  They told me to go ahead and go to the other BPP I had scheduled for that afternoon so I did.  I never got the results of the second BPP but she did say he was weighing 7 lbs. 
My doctor has been out of town this week so I saw one of the other partners who gave me no insight on any of my results and when I asked her questions she said they were great questions but to wait to ask my doctor when she gets back.  Needless to say that royally ticked me off.  I'm a FTM so I need to know generally what is done at this point. I have GD and am concerned he is measuring so big with 6 weeks-ish to go. At what point do they schedule a c-section?  I just don't know what to think because the other doctor gave me nothing regarding my results and it's dominating my thoughts.
Help calm me down, please. 😕