Am I pregnant? Help!

So I've been experiencing nausea and have vomited nearly every day since 6 DPO. I'm now 11 DPO and AF is due anywhere between tomorrow 1/3 to 1/5. Glow seemed a little confused with my cycle this time around so it kept changing the days I was meant to be ovulating but I'm pretty sure I'm further than 11 DPO. 
I've had headaches, cramping, the nausea and vomiting and actually noticed some mood swings and being overly emotional, but that could be because I'm so concerned about all these symptoms. 
I've taken HPTs since 6 DPO because that was my birthday and I was hoping for a positive. All have been negative so far. 
Any feedback if this could be a pregnancy? Anyone experienced any or all of this and had a positive pregnancy show up finally?