Yellow looking CM with period like cramps & some vaginal pain

Caitlin • 21 years old. First Son was born 02/18/2013 - Adopted. TTC for baby #2 but baby #1 for us.
First let me say this - I just got done taking antibiotics for BV. The past 3 days I've had creamy egg white CM, today it was yellow looking. Just had sex tonight for the first time in a almost a week because of the medicine. There is no smell, and it doesn't hurt to pee. So I'm sure there is no infection. 
I'm on CD 21 according to Glow and yesterday was the last day of my "fertile window". I did have sex quite a few times before Christmas during my window. But I think it would be too early for any signs of pregnancy. The reason why I'm posting this though is because I haven't had yellow CM before, and the cramping & all of this is weird. Any ideas ladies? My expected period is 1/14 :/ I hate our bodies sometime. 
Baby dust to all!!