My contractions started at 9:00 am and were 2-4 minutes apart

My contractions started at 9:00 am and were 2-4 minutes apart. My husband drove me to the L&D where they told me I wasn't dilated and to come back if they intensified. 2 hours later we were back and I could hardly make it through a contraction without yelling. I was only a 2. I thought how am I going to have a VBAC when I'm in this much pain and already want an epidural at a 2?? By the time they got me to a room the contractions were so intense no amount of breathing helped. I begged for an epi or just something! It took them 6 attempts to get an iv started and by that point I was on my hands and knees groaning and screaming in pain. I had gone from a 2 to 10 in less than an hour. They did a quick spinal, and I pushed my son out in an hour. Although it was the most excrutiating experience of my life, the VBAC and my son were totally worth it and very healing from my previous birth trauma. I'm so elated that he's here and healthy!