Massive panic..

⚓❄Mary❄⚓ • 31, married almost 2 years (together almost 4years). Healing from loss at 39.5 weeks. Ttc #2, we have a beautiful 4 year old boy
I don't know what is going on. But I have intense moments of anxiety and panic tonight. What if I loose this one? That's never happened to me before...I don't have a history of that. I'm just so scared. I read so often about chemical pregnancies and miscarriages. In terrified all the sudden. Any words of encouragement would be so wonderful. Im kinda floating right now. I'm sorry I haven't been very active in the group today, had work and family stuff going on. Just really need to get to my Dr so I can know everything is okay. Love you guys. ❤❤❤❤😘