Vitex Help

Hello ladies! Has anyone had any success using Vitex? I've been taking it religiously since August and my period is still not regular. After stopping birth control pills in April I had a regualar period in May,  and then my menstral cycle has been anywhere from 50 days long to currently 67 days long. My last regular period was mid September. October 30th I had a period that lasted 2 days. Nothing since then. Not sure if I should try something else? What's worked for you ladies? (I made an appointment to see my OBGYN today but can't get in till the end of this month)
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I'm seeing a naturopath and acupuncturist who prescribe supplements based on what my body actually needs. If you just take supplements without getting tests/assessed for what you need then it's a crap shoot in my opinion😊 it's like going and taking a prescription medication without being prescribed it... If you have coverage of even if not I would recommend it. I've found it to be really helpful. I've never taken Vitex but am on a few different Chinese herb blends such as women's treasure and another one I can't remember right now. Plus ubiquinol for egg health, multi with folic acid, thyroid supplements, omega 3s, and recently started getting IV supplements based on my symptoms (low adrenals etc). Anyways, good luck!


Nikki • Jan 7, 2016
Thank you! I'll ask my OBGYN about it I've been interested in seeing an acupuncturist and getting more info on it


Posted at
Try fertility blend from gnc reviews r great. Used it for me n my husband used his. Helps regulate n I got BFP first month on it . Ended in a miscarage but might help . Baby dust ❤️


Nikki • Jan 7, 2016
Thank you!


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It stopped my ovulation the month I took it. 


Nikki • Jan 6, 2016
oh dear. I wonder if that's what's happened to me? Curious to see what the doctor says but I stopped taking it a few days ago. I had heard nothing but good things about it on here so I decided to try it. I guess everyone's bodies are different.


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I tried using it and it made me sick.. no luck here. Baby dust!


Nikki • Jan 4, 2016
Thank you