Bleach pregnancy test?! Does it really work?

Mimi • Hello everyone! My boyfriend (Aaron) and I are a young couple who is madly in love with each other. we had our first angel on October 4th 2016, and she passed the same day. Now we're expecting again

Okay everyone I'm currently on CD 55(which os a first for me) and I'm like 27dpo(not exactly sure my glow calendar has gotten kinda outta wack) I've been getting all the early pregnancy symptoms but the test I took last week came up negative I'm officially 3 weeks late today....

So anyhow I was reading articles online and came across the Homemade Bleach pregnancy test and decided to try it. Now based on the articles and say so if others it's SUPPOSE to work although nothing is said that if you add your urine to some bleach it's supposed to slightly foam/fizzle like crazy, turn the cup hot but if it bubbles and foams your not.

Now I tried it twice. 1st with morning pee the results:it fizzled and foamed enough overflowed the cup and continued to fizzle 2nd time I tried I used my bfs pee in comparison results of that: his bubbled up and stayed foamy and frothy while mines fizzled/slightly foamed but it didn't overflow this time. It just stayed fizzling and steaming as if it was soda.

So ladies I'm asking who else might have tried this old method and did it give you correct results?

P. S. I am buying a test today to actually confirm