Getting nervous about meeting little man

This will be my first full term pregnancy since the twins were early. Doctor is now saying that I may have to delivery early but I have to finish school or I have to pay back several thousand and not get my degree. Just happens that my due date is exactly two weeks after my last day of class. I'm scared that he is going to be born with something wrong since I haven't been able to take prenantals as they make me sick. I will admit my eating has slipped the last few month with the holidays and everything. Doctor doesn't seem concerned about the little man. Doctor his heartbeat is good and I'm measuring bigger than 31 weeks. He hasn't done an ultrasound since I was 20 weeks and isn't going to do one until I am 36 weeks to see how I am measuring. I am a nervous wreck over everything because I am a person who has to have everything planned to the tee and if it's not it throws everything off for me. I feel so unorganized. I don't know what to pack for the hospital. I have spent hours watching YouTube videos and googling what I will need and what I don't need. I feel there's is still so much stuff that I have to get and only having 8 weeks left to do so. I'm scared that he's not going to be able to breastfeed or that I am not going to produce enough. I feel like a giant mess and think I needed to vent there