Anti-E Antibody

Alyssa • Happily married going on 6 years, with our first little blessing born.juky 25th. 💚💚💚
Im 11 weeks and 2 days, and at 10 weeks 5 days, found out i have the Anti-E Antibody. Which if im understanding correctly, means that my antibodies are attacking my babies red blood cells (which is some cases cause baby to have anemia and/or heart problems. More severe cases result in blood tranfusions while baby is still in womb, or stillbirth.) I am now to see a specialist, and have more routine blood draws and ultra sounds to make sure baby is okay and check my level of the antibodies. I have so many unanswered questions and so much information i would love to know, but sadly my specialist appointment isnt until January 19. I guess what i am asking here, is if anyone else has gone through this that might have further information until i see the Doctor. Also, i could really use some prayers for my little one. Ive waited so long for this blessing, we arent going down without a fight. My baby is strong. ❤