Question for breastfeeding mums

Melissa • Mummy to two coming 3 (due August) beautiful children.
I have thought sooooo much into how I want to feed my baby girl, and I would absolutely love nothing more than to breastfeed her. Then as I was thinking of this I was thinking of how hard I found it with my son, because it was so demanding and he just wanted latched on ALL the time for comfort. I couldn't put him down or get sleep he was crying, and wouldn't take a pacifier. So I then decided to maybe just try breastfeeding by pumping the milk, rather than latching her on, but I know I'm going to end up suffering a lot of post natal depression, as it has got so bad during my pregnancy and I have so much stress ahead. So what I wanted to know from breastfeeding mums is...... Would it become hard and stressful on me to pump/breastfeed if I feel so low, will it make me more drained and tired, and be more demanding on me? Would I be best to go with formula? I just don't know what to do anymore. To start getting my firmula in, or just go with the breasts. Such a rant I know I'm sorry 😔