Firstly, I'm sorry if this is the wrong room to post, but I just need to vent!

Last night was supposed to be awesome. Invited some of my hubby's family over to eat, drink and watch the playoff games. I hadn't had that much fun in a long time, and needless to say, everyone was DRUNK!

My brother in law is such a drama king, and started his usual shit by saying "No one is there for him, Fuck his family, No one cares if he is around or not." Blah Blah Blah.

It was his weekend to take his son, and after some shots thought it would be a good idea to drive home with his 4 year old son. My hubby was pissed and was outside trying to convince him to stay in the guest bedroom for the night and not drive.

Long story short, after 10 minutes of arguing the two started fist fighting. This is my problem, every time we fucking drink we always hear a sob story from my brother in law. Now I understand they had it rough growing up, but DAMN!!!

My husband had the same childhood, but he persevered. Went from being a "screw up" growing up, to a college graduate, who is on track to become a foreman in the next few months.

I'm sympathetic for my brother in law and hope he overcomes this depression, but it's always something! I married into a family who likes to drink and have fun, but I'm tired of this "woe is me" attitude from a grown man!

Sorry rant over!