So many worries.

Worry #1:

I'm worried that I don't love my baby enough. Like I see all of these moms talking about how they're already in love with their baby, and I just don't think I'm feeling it yet. I've seen the baby on ultrasound 4 times, heard the heart beat on my doppler many times, know the sex, etc. I'm very excited. I would be devastated if something were to happen to my princess growing inside of me, but I just don't know if I would call what I feel love. Is this normal?

Worry #2:

I'm not sure I'm very happy with the baby's father. We have only been back together from an off and on relationship for 2 months before we got pregnant (5 months total now). I dont know if I'm happy with him. I don't know if I love him like I should. I don't know if I should just suck it up and make it work for the sake of the baby and because he is so excited to be a dad. Am I being selfish for even considering a break up at this point?

Worry #3:

I just started a new job December 11. I've now been there for a little over 30 days. My probationary period is 90 days. I know that they can't fire me for being pregnant, but I'm afraid that they will find some other reason to fire me especially since I got the job because the previous woman that worked it left to go on maternity leave. I'm so nervous to tell them I'm expecting.

Sorry for the long rant/post. Just needed to get everything off my chest. Thank you for listening, ladies.

Any advice/input is welcome.