He's distant now that I'm pregnant...

I don't want to be judged on how this came about. I was FWB with this guy for half a year and 2 weeks ago I found out I'm pregnant. I don't need a commentary about having a child in this type of relationship. So I'd ask that whoever decides to comment doesn't bash me for getting pregnant with a guy through FWB. And no I won't be getting an abortion because that is my choice so please no suggestions regarding that. I am pro life.

Now that I've made that clear I just want to say he's a really nice guy we had a mutual understanding that we were just FWB not seeking a relationship.

Now that I'm pregnant he's seemed to have taken a step back. He's very distant. We're adults (I'm 19 he's 22). I'm ready to take on this responsibility but he seems apprehensive. I'm not saying he has to automatically marry me because there's a baby involved but I want him in the child's life. I want the child to know his or her dad. But I don't wanna feel obligated to live with him. How do I try and convince him to be apart of the unborn child's life? I think maybe he's just overwhelmed by this cause it wasn't exactly planned! Should I just leave and raise the baby on my own? Thoughts.?