Broken libido 😩

Not sure what is wrong with me but I was just wondering whether anyone had had a similar experience to me... 
I've been quite an active person all of my life and due to this (as far as I've read) I've experienced an increased sex drive. Usually, given a couple of days here and there, I'm pretty much ready to go at the drop of a hat for most days in the month. In the last week or so this hasn't been the case. It's started to really worry my SO because I'm not there trying to rip off his clothes any chance we get. I'm at his place most nights of the week and so far we have still maintained our usual frequency of having sex a week. I don't seem to be able to reach the big O as much as I usually can as well. I'm still enjoying being intimate with my man I'm just worried about the discordinance the change in my behaviour is making.Â