Boyfriend who won't compromise

As with most relationships, my boyfriend of a year and I aren't perfectly matched up. We don't love every thing the other does and says. The problem is that I am willing to compromise on things he doesn't like, but he basically won't. When I tell him how I feel on something he does, he tells me he doesn't think he should change himself for someone. He also tells me he talked to his dad about this and his dad agrees (his dad who posts on fb every day talking about how Obama is like Hitler and a Muslim...) so it's hard to get through to him on something his dad tells him. I try to explain that I love who he is as a person and asking him, for example, not to get drunk with his friends before we have a special night out is not trying to change him as a person, just change an activity he does. Does anyone have any advice on how to get through to him?