Need help am i wrong for being mad??

Natayahia • Im a married lesbian woman who TTC #4. I have three daughters already..
So I starting cleaning and seen a old bag of stuff and decide to go thru it being that me and my wife just moved into our new apartment but we been living together for years now. As I'm going thru the stuff my wife son (from another woman) picture fell out as I go to fix it I noticed that it's fold up nd deep inside the picture frame is four pictures of my wife and her ex kissed up and on the beach. I know its old so that is not why I'm mad Im mad that I told her two years ago to remove them from our house. She said she riped them up. Why would she hide them. What's her reason for keeping them? We have been together over 5 years now I'm confused and pissed!! Should I be mad??