Boyfriend doesn't have as high of a sex drive as I do.

Taylor • PCOS
So last night my SO and I decided to go out for dinner and a few drinks and to watch the college football game because we have had a rough few weeks and have been doing nothing but arguing due to stress levels being so damn high. I had one too many drinks and when I am drunk my sex drive is SO high, it's the opposite for my SO. I mentioned sex and all he said was "no, definitely not tonight", and like every other girl it hurt my feelings. I have brought up sex often being a problem because we have had some difficult times in the past with trust and touching one another.. Like I've caught him masturbating to porn in the bathroom while I was in the bedroom, I normally wouldn't find this a problem but when I am willing in the other room it hurts my feelings. Well last night I took things into my own hands and just did it myself because I am just so fed up and if he can do it why can't I? He tells me all the time I shouldn't worry and that I turn him on but he just doesn't have the same sex drive as I do.. And last night on the way home I asked him how he would feel if I took matters into my own hands.. He told me he wouldn't mind as long as he was near me... But he passed out last night and so I just did it and I feel like a creep now. 
Has anyone experienced this and if so what did you do?