Bad parenting...

My stepdaughter's mom drives me crazy in the fact that she's a terrible parent. I know, I know. I'm not her biological mom, I'm just her stepparent. I never overstep my boundaries or anything. The bio mom literally hates me (for jealously reasons). She's immature and always talks about how she wants to beat the eff out of me and stuff. She sends her daughter to our house when it's 20 degrees out, without a jacket!!! It's freezing out. She never has shoes on her when she sends her to us. She keeps her up till midnight and later. She is TWO years old. She needs sleep! She spends her time harassing my husband and I. She broke into our house and trashed our room. Like, where is your kid?! She kept her daughter away from my husband out of spite when we first got together because she thought he'd come back to her if he couldn't see his kid. My husband had to take her to court. It's ridiculous. Someone on her social media called her out and said "quit taking selfies and take care of your kid!" Because that's all she does. She's an awful parent. I feel so bad for my stepdaughter. Her mom is 22 and it just drives me insane. Dress her in a jacket when it's freezing outside. Pay attention to her. Take care of her. Stop harassing us and TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILD.