Roommates Daughter😡😡😡😡

Yes, my husband and I are planning to give our tenant/roommate notice once I am ready to return from maternity leave (we need the rental income) but I can't help but need to vent after today's events dealing with this child. 
She is 7years old and a complete brat!! She lies and whines all the time. She has done things that are completely unacceptable and her mother doesn't correct her besides yelling at her. She won't punish her daughter because she feels that if she does she will loose her 50/50 custody. 
This week the child has been sick. I get that kids can be cranky when they don't feel good but omg I about lost my cool! Her grandma was coming to pick her up and her mom asked her to get dressed, brush her teeth and put shoes on. What does she do? Starts banging on the walls refusing to brush her teeth, she then proceeded to start screaming at the top of her lungs and having a complete melt down. My roommate and the grandma couldn't get her to stop and it was just a screaming match. So I went into my roommates room where the fight was happening and in a sturn voice said "Get up! Stop acting like a fool! I mean it!" The child got right up and stopped crying and they left a few minutes later. The kid listens to me but her mom doesn't like that I have that power and she doesn't. I explained that sometimes someone other then a parent can have that pull with a kid but my roommate doesn't get that.
Anyways, the grandma returned an hour later to pick up the kids Kindle that she forgot. Why the hell would you reward a child with such bad behavior is beyond me! Anyways the kid walked into the house and my cat was next to me and she kicked my cat in the face!!! I couldn't believe she would even do such a thing. I scolded the kid for her actions and the grandma was mortified. I immediately called her mom(roommate) to tell her what happened and how I was very upset. She said "yeah she can be a little shit when she is sick and not feeling well. She was kicking my cat earlier that morning and I told her to stop" OMFG!!! It took everything in my power to not loose my cool!!!! So now I have a terror kid living in my house that thinks it's ok to kick animals and the mother won't do anything!! This kid has serious behavioral issues that need to be addressed but won't be because of fear of loosing her in a custody battle.
I know I have to deal with it for only a few more months and then she will be gone but I don't even know what to do in the mean time. I don't want her kid around my animals or my daughter. Once the new baby is here I don't think I will be able to tolerate her screaming tantrums.Â