So.. Here i am

Stacey • Hi!!! I`m Stacey! I`m 28, born and raised in Maryland.. currently residing in New Jersey. I have an amazing little guy, Kellen Tucker, he is 3.5. He is the absolute light of my life. TTC #2!

We started our new year off terribly. My son was admitted into the hospital for quite a few days.. Found out that he has asthma. They werent going to diagnose him until he was 5.. But he was diagnosed. We also discovered that his liver is on the opposite side than normal. And that he has chiladiti syndrome (liver). We are also in the middle of filing a law suit bc after multiple hospital stays in his short almost 4 years of life.. Lots of lung issues.. This is the first we have heard about his liver..

Just last april his lung collapsed and he had a full upper torso xray.

Why didnt they say a damn thing about his liver. I honestly believe we got crap care while we were on state insurance.

Anyway after intubation and almost a chest tube.. We were transferred to Dupont childrens hospital in delaware. It was terrifying.

My phone broke and i am just now getting back on here with a new phone.

Im on cd 6 and i need some new ways to approach ttc.

I have weened off of vitex. Im now on geritol complete, folic acid since the geritol doesnt have the amount i need.

Im also going to do the geritol tonic (it doesnt have the same amount of vitamins that the geritol complete has, its safe to take together) the tonic is an 8 day dose.. So im wondering if i should start taking it 1-2 days before my fertile week starts.

Anything i can add??

Im not sure whats causing my body to reject pregnancy. Ive checked out okay.. The fiance is getting tested next week..

Suggestions? Words of encouragement? Just need something:(