Feeling guilty

I got pregnant with a very much wanted and planned baby. However, I got ill during my pregnancy and was hospitalised 4 times. I ended up too weak and sick to attend my scans and appointments. Twice I booked an abortion and cancelled as I just couldn't bear to abort my baby, but the third time I kept the appointment and went ahead with the procedure. I did it for my mum, who was ill herself and I worried that the stress of me being so ill was making her worse. For my Husband, as he was stressed out with having to care for me (I had no energy to even make a sandwich and was bed ridden for over 2 months) and care for our Son who is special needs and, of course, for my Son, who needed his mummy to get better and be able to care for him again. I did it for all the right reasons, yet the overwhelming guilt is crippling me. I cry and say sorry to my baby over and over again, and once my health is better I want to try again (currently on the depo) but in a way I feel guilty, like I don't deserve another chance. Has anyone else ever regretted an abortion, even though it was the right thing to do at the time? How did you cope afterwards? Also big hugs to anyone having to make a decision like this, my heart goes out to you 💔