I'm 18, he's 26

We met on meetme, surprisingly. I was 17 at the time and I had lied on my profile saying I was 18. At the time I really wasn't looking for a relationship, I was more so looking for guys to kinda flirt with. Never had any intentions of actually meeting up with people. 
He messaged me and we started talking, I honestly didn't think anything of it. I gave him my number and we texted for a few days.. Then after a while he finally convinced me to talk on the phone with him. That was the day I knew I messed up. I knew that what we had was going to be so much bigger than what I originally anticipated. But I still didn't tell him I lied for another few weeks.
 I was TERRIFIED of telling him because I became so fond of him. I was really starting to like him and I became very attached to him. So I told him and explained everything.. I told him I was so sorry, and that I didn't think we'd talk more than a few days. He was mad about it, but he cared for me a lot by that time. 
We've been dating for 6 months now, and I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as I love him.. (Besides my daughter of course.) He also treats my daughter like she's his own. I've never been happier!!