Serious life decision.

This will be a long read, I apologize in advance.
My bf of two years proposed to me after we planned on moving to another state for college. The reason we decided to move is so we can go to college full time and work part time and still have a place to sleep without being broke. We will be living with his parents which the 4 of us don't mind at all. But, lately our relationship has gotten terrible. I am not attracted to him sexually anymore. We never kiss or have sex. I just don't feel the need to have sex like he does every single day. We argue about it everyday. I'm at my wits end especially with everything else we've been through. So what I'm asking is, should I not move with him? Should I break it off and stay here in my home state to go to college? I'm terrified because I don't have much family to help me with a living situation and no girl friends I can roommate with. I want to go to college, but 4 more years faking this with him isn't going to cut it. He proposed before things got bad. So that's why I said yes. I'm also scared to call it off. But I am not the type to marry if I don't want to. I mean we're only 21. I just have no idea how I'll even have a home if we break up because we are loners with no family and the only way we make it is with each other. We share the bills. That's why I feel obligated to stay with him. I need some advice please